Packing correctly for a hike heavily depends on where you are going, the weather and how long you are hiking for, considerations about weight should be key. This list is an essential hiking kit list for a day hike in the UK and can be added to and adapted to your own situation. Getting your hiking kit list comprehensive without being unnecessarily heavy should be a huge overall consideration.

“Knowledge is the key to survival and the beauty of that is that it doesn’t weigh anything”.
— Ray Mears
- Compass – better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it! Compasses are super small and lightweight so there’s no reason to not bring one (just in case)
- Printed trial maps – the peak district is relatively safe and well sign posted for trials but it is always sensible to have a backup just in case the internet fails you, this should be in a waterproof wallet
- Plenty of water in stainless steel water bottles – these are shatter resistant so if you take a tumble you don’t have to worry about your bottle cracking and the bonus is that they keep your water cooler than traditional bottles. SAS training teaches its recruits that you should pack more than what you need for the hike itself in case you have an accident and end up stranded for a longer period of time this is of course the worst-case scenario but it is worthwhile having a contingency plan
- The right footwear – don’t overlook the power of a thick pair of hiking socks and a nice tread on your shoes, the last thing you want on a hike is blisters ouch!
- This leads nicely to the next point, a first aid kit. Make sure you have plasters, pain killers and wound preparation materials.
- Plenty of high-energy snacks – lots of carbohydrate-rich snacks to replenish your energy levels will help you to push on
- Weather-appropriate clothing – living in the UK we all know you need to be prepared for weather changes, this is even more important at higher altitudes as it can feel significantly colder higher up and the winds can be strong even on a seemingly mild day, always pack a lightweight mac and wear layers so you can apply and remove where needed – our hoodies are the perfect thick layer
- A walking stick – if you feel you might need one, these are particularly helpful on uneven surfaces or slippy areas
- A strong backpack to hold your hiking kit that is comfortable to wear full
- A hat – again a good hat for the season, beanies are great in the winter and a cap keeps rain and sun out of your eyes for the rest of the seaon

The most important thing to remember is to have a great adventure, take lots of photos and enjoy the wonders of Peak District from all of us at #Wolfcove.

#outdooradventure #hikingprep #exploretheoutdoors #peakdistrictholidays #hikingholidays #hikingdaysarethebest #hikingdays #hikinguk